Tuesday, January 3

New Year, New Class, New Possibilities

Hello to EDUC 6135 - Distance Learning!

It's been quite a while since I have been on this site (over a year by looking at the dates) so please accept my apologies if you expected to see entries from the other courses in the MIDT-OL program.

I am really looking forward to this course and the better understanding of distance learning that I hope to gain from fellow students, our instructor, and the course materials themselves. I look forward to reading your blogs, commenting and reading your comments here.

Best wishes for a great course!


  1. Hi Shelley,

    I have subscribed to your blog and I am now following it. You have a great blog! How did you come up with the name Physics Frenzy?

    The title of this blog post is cool -- I always love New Year's and the opportunity to start off with a clean slate.

    See you in class and beyond!

  2. Hi Jackie,

    Thanks for following along! 'Physics Frenzy' came about because I am a high school AP physics teachers. At the time the blog was created, a new school year had started, the administration had put me on a cart to float between classrooms, and I was handed a brand new curriculum to teach. I was a little frenzied that semester!

    Best wishes,

  3. Hi Shelley,

    I like the look of your blog. I was the same way with my blog site - have not posted anything since the last class that made us post something. Looking forward to this 8 weeks.


  4. Hi Shelley. It is nice to be in class with you again. I am subscribing to your blog.

