Monday, August 13

SOLD Project hits Scope Creep

After grinding out the PM course project, and a flying trip to PA and back for a family emergency, I'm feeling a bit wrung out.

But projects don't halt so that I can take a nap, so onward we go.... sort of.

I'm finding that communications, expectations, and tech issues are my biggest problems right now.  I was tossed the project (courtesy of my description of the Master's program) without much thought towards expectations, just a "do it" attitude.  The VP/SME that I am primarily working with for the first phase is not incredibly tech-savy, and does not take suggestions well that would make implementation easier.  I have been sending regular updates on progress, with a few questions for clarification.  He normally addresses the first issue, and ignores the rest (I limit my items to less than five).

Despite those issues, the majority of Phase 1 is done.  Learner analysis, tech analysis, and assessments are done.  I'm learning more about the tech issues as we progress.  I'm using the Coursesites LMS to host the development training.  One module has an .avi video, made with CamStudio, that lasts about 8 minutes.  The video will play, but there is no sound and some buffering/start/stop issues.  I've tried to compress the video to decrease the byte size, and have contacted the Coursesites tech support about the sound issue.  Since all of the video and file settings are correct, the tech crew thinks its a problem with their video service (QuickTime) and they're still working on it.

Until they figure that part out, I'm have to search for other options to host the video.  YouTube is blocked at our school.  The file size is too big for TeacherTube.  So I'm still searching.  As I'm operating on a $0-budget, the service would need to be free, have a 200 MB minimum or larger upload size, and not be blocked by our county's servers.

Before I could pinpoint the issues with the CamStudio video, the VP/SME went ahead and recorded two more screen capture videos for later modules.  I'm slightly frustrated.

  1. He won't use a script - which leads to rambling and excess file size
  2. I don't know the content of the subsequent videos or even if a video clip is the most appropriate way to present the content information
And the deadline is looming.  Everything is supposed to be live by next Tuesday.

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