Friday, June 29

Back in the Swing of Things

Welcome and Welcome Back!

I have been on a little hiatus lately from classes.  Between work, home, and school, I found that my attention was far too divided.  As grad school was the optional task, I took a break so that I could focus on work and family.  Now that the school year is finished (work) and the family situations have improved, I’m back at the grad work.  I had hope of finishing the last three courses and the program by December, but I have a feeling that it will be spring before I’m done.

By day, I teach high school Honors and AP physics at a science/technology magnate school.  I am also the sponsor for the school’s chapter of the Science NHS.  At the end of the school year, I am in charge of organizing our administrators, faculty, staff, vendors, and seniors for the graduation ceremonies, which comprises of 500+ graduates and 5000+ guests and VIPs.  In some respects, it is similar to the role of a Project Manager.  I have filled the position of graduation coordinator since the school graduated the first senior class in 2009.  It is a challenging, and often stressful, role, but it is also fulfilling and gratifying when everything goes well.

Outside of work and grad school, I married my best friend last summer and I am a full-time mom to a wonderful 6 year old stepson.  My husband and I are involved with a historical recreation group called the SCA on the weekends (that’s how we met 7 years ago).   Aside from that, I am a football and hockey fan, seamstress and beginning quilter.

Please leave me comments and questions and I look forward to our course together!


  1. I love football and hockey too! Any favorite teams? I am a fan of Denver on both accounts but have also cheered for a variety of other teams that have drafted Portland Winterhawks from the Western Hockey League.

  2. I need to change my comment notifications - I missed your comment! I'm so sorry. I'm from Pennsylvania, so my hockey team of choice is the Penguins. My high school principal was the Penguins in-house announcer for 30+ years before he past away. I like college football more than the pro's, but I'll root for the Steelers (or anyone but the Redskins). :)
