Thursday, July 26

Estimating Costs & Allocating Resources

I started this assignment by looking at the Microsoft Project 2010 website.  I like PC's, so Microsoft is normally the first place that I look for software and templates.  The software package seems to have everything a Project Manager could need in planning, tracking, and adjusting the budgetary and scheduling concerns of a project.  The only problem with Microsoft Project is that it is very cost-prohibitive for a lone Instructional Designer.  The site does offer some sound advice for preparing a project budget here.  Although advice is valuable, so are tools.  I started to look for more pocket-friendly varieties of software and downloads.

Bright Hub has created several templates for Project Managers to use for free.  The templates are written in Microsoft Excel, which saves PMs from downloading or purchasing expensive software packages.  The download includes an overall budget, a monthly budget, and a task project budget page.  There are no instructions or tutorials to help complete the sheets, but the template designs are clear and easy to read.  I was very glad to come across this resource, as estimating and calculating cost for work-hours is a new skill that I am learning.  This template would save me some of the frustration of setting up digital tables, charts, and calculations.

Smartsheet does have a small monthly cost for a single user, but it is much more reasonable.  There is also a 30-day free trial.  The web-based system limits the users to the number of sheets (templates/forms) and the size of the files (in Gigabytes).  The Smartsheets product includes many features that PMs would find useful, including Gantt charts, calendars, and collaboration between team members.  The product could help PMs with prioritization of tasks, budgets, performance reviews and task lists.

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